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A member registered May 05, 2021

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(1 edit)

First check if the problem is indeed expired or missing cert:
Open Windows Cert Manager:
Win+R ->certmgr.msc -> enter
Check under "Trusted Root Certificate Authorities" if you can find valid cert for "DST Root CA X3".
If it's missing or expired, get the certificate from nmkd's website.

You can use Firefox to export the needed Certificates.
Just go to (https is important), then open site info with:
Then click "Security" -> "show Certificate".
There you'll see 3 Tabs: <--- R3  <--- DST Root CA X3

Click on "DST Root CA X3" tab. There you'll have the two options to export/save the certificate as a PEM file. You need the one without the chain. Save it to "whatever.CRT" on desktop, then  doubleclick on it and choose "install certificate" it to import it into your windows cert-store as trusted CA.

When you run Certificate manager next time:
Win+R ->certmgr.msc -> enter
The cert "DST Root CA X3" should be now under Trusted CAs

Save the "R3" cert as .CRT file as well (its the Intermediate CA, LetsEncrypt), but you prolly wont need it.

Be wary, Don't casually install CA certificates on you system unless you know that those can be trusted. It's always better to download those from official website of the issuer.
It case of "DST Root CA X3" cert its:
(its the same cert as you have exported from nmkd's website. Instead of exporting it from the nmkd's website you can also copy the text from the webpage above into a .crt file and install it that way. I just wanted to show you the way how to do it from the browser, since we had to check what certs nmkd's website is using)

Try the flowframes installer (use the newest one) and see if it still has SSL errors while trying to download files from nmkd's website.
If its still has errors try installing R3 cert as well and try again.
Let me know if it worked :)

(1 edit)

You most probably need to import root CA certificates into your Window's certificate store for the websites that Flowframes installer is using to download the files from, since the included root-CA Certs in Win7 did expire.

The newest installer here (1.24.6) connects to The reverse lookup shows, behind (XAMPP? ^_^' ) signed with lets encrypt cert. (DST Root CA X3->R3(Let's Encrypt)-> Use Firefox, go to, export the first 2 certs and then import those into Windows Cert-Store and you should be good.

(1 edit)

Are you perhaps viewing the exported png frames in some older image viewer?
I had that issue as well with several older image viewers like mangameeya, where frames generated with Flowframes had different midtone levels than the input frames. (I used ffmpeg to export frames to png, then used Frameflows on those frames to interpolate.)

Turns out its the image viewer's fault (at least it was for me).
If you view the generated png images with newer software and compare those to source, the levels match.
I guess there have been some changes in png code, that older software displays differently...

Though It was a first time for me to encounter that "Problem". And i do a lot frame exporting between different apps.

That's great to hear and thanks about the info on loops. I somehow missed the checkbox for it.

Cant wait for the duplicate replacement feature :)

(2 edits)

Just tried it and it's pretty amazing, Thank you N00MKRAD! :D

Do you plan on adding duplicate frame "replacement" feature? I mean currently, if you select duplicate removal, the dup frames will be just cut out. But it would be great, if Flowframes/RIFE could also replace the dups with generated frames.

I have a few bad vid sources where there are often 6-8 sequential dup frames in a row (like when a live video stream hangs for a second, but audio continues). It would be great if Flowframes could "fix" those frames by generating new ones. (I read somewhere that DAIN could do something like that, but didnt tried it yet, since RIFE supposed to be much faster)

Also, is there a way to force Flowframes to generate extra frames? Im thinking about creating seamless gif loops (cinemagraphs) with it. For that Flowframes needs to generate n frames between the last and first frame to seamlessly close the animation/gap.